The detriment of the dental prosthesis?


The dental implant

A fashionable alternative, the dental implant surpasses all other methods for many reasons. If you’re wondering why your dentist recommends this option, read on.

Prevents bone loss

One or more missing teeth lead to deterioration of the jawbone. In fact, when the tooth is missing, resorption of the jaw occurs over time, due to the lack of activity in the part in question. Placing a dental implant restores mechanical stimulation of the bone , thus preserving the integrity of the jawbone.

Offers comfort to its wearer

The dental implant is made from titanium, a biocompatible, non-toxic, but also solid material. When it is integrated into the jaw bone, the dental implant integrates with it by the phenomenon of esteo-integration . This allows it to guarantee stability and resistance to all tests followed by great durability.

Unlike dental prostheses which must be changed after a few years of use, dental implants can last a lifetime when properly maintained. In addition, being linked directly to the jaw bone, the artificial tooth is not likely to move because you eat or even less because you speak.

Fight against digestive problems

With a missing tooth or a denture, it will be difficult for you to chew hard foods like meat. This will inevitably lead to digestive problems. With a dental implant, you regain the full chewing ability of your teeth . You no longer have any dietary restrictions!

Protect adjacent teeth

Unlike dentures which require the use of surrounding teeth, the placement of a dental implant is a completely independent option . The screw is placed directly on the jaw bone. The process does not involve any mutilation of the adjacent teeth and even their contribution. This then allows them to keep their natural structure and not to be infected. So an adjacent tooth with a cavity will not affect the dental implant and vice versa?

 Maintain jaw balance

The absence of one or more teeth eventually leads to the loss of other teeth. The latter are indeed interdependent units that are part of a complex system in which each tooth plays its role. If one were to disappear, the whole operation is found to be unbalanced. What is really happening?

When a tooth is missing, the other teeth present on the same side, move gradually, in order to fill the free space. In doing so, the harmonious relationship between the lower and upper teeth takes a hit . After several years, a real imbalance results which can cause problems of practicality, but also of aesthetics.

The dental implant for its aesthetics

Whatever the cause of tooth loss, the result is never pleasant, especially when it involves a tooth involved in smiling. When you lose such a tooth, anxiety is instantly felt in your social life. On the one hand because phonation problems arise and on the other hand you are embarrassed when it is necessary to smile .

The dental implant helps you remedy this problem. Its natural look lets you smile with confidence again.

In addition, a dental implant plays the role of a real tooth to perfection, restoring masticatory comfort and pronunciation . Likewise, this option also helps to change the look of your face if you want. The dental implant also helps prevent facial sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.

However, like all methods, installing a dental implant can have certain disadvantages. The procedure is quite long and far exceeds that of fitting dental prostheses. Also, a surgical intervention is necessary for the installation of a dental implant, which obviously makes it more expensive than the dental prosthesis. However, it remains the most recommended alternative for replacing one or more missing teeth.

  • What to remember from the dental implant?
  • Dental implants do not move or slip;
  • They provide chewing comfort;
  • Easy to maintain because they do not require removal;
  • Dental implants offer the same feel as natural teeth;
  • They go unnoticed;
  • Dental implants can last a lifetime, when properly cared for;

Not everyone can have dental implants. People with weak gums and jaws as well as smokers cannot have a dental implant in normal times. But today there are additional procedures that can strengthen the gums.

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